Travel Stories

by Scrambled Gregs

Wanna Read Some Wild Travel Stories?


Look, I don’t write about goddam travel tips and how to cheat airlines outa miles by signing up for shitty credit cards (which are always affiliate links btw). I write about wild tales and grandiose adventures and the people I met along the way… Like the older dude dying of cancer at the hostel in Fairbanks who changed my life… Or the musician I met in Moab who started a forest fire, or my life hitchhiking during 9/11, or circumnavigating South America, having sex with Latinas in hostel bathrooms, or my Guinness World Record road trip that I broke with my ex-girlfriend.

Point is, if you’re looking for the best destinations in the United States to travel to, this is not your blog… Though I have roadtripped to every single city in the entire country and have plenty of suggestions on where to go. I won’t actually tell you them unless you email me directly. 

No, this blog contains rancid sex stories in foreign countries, illegal drug trafficking tales, getting robbed in Santiago (and in Montreal), AA meetings in Colombia, and forming relationships with gangsters from Lima.

The Secret to Self-Improvement

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes Self-Improvement For Vagabonds If you haven’t read Vagabond Secret 3: HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME WHILE TRAVELING, do that shit now. It all started one day when I was living in Los Angeles feeling shitty about life and not sure...

How to make the most of your time While Traveling

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes PLAN YOUR OWN ITINERARY BY KEEPING IT SIMPLE. If you haven't read Vagabond Secret 2: How to Conquer Travel Anxiety, do that shit now. Find one thing you want to do more than anything and make sure it gets done: this is called your...

How to Conquer Travel Anxiety

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes The Secret to Conquering Travel Anxiety is to GET EXCITED If you haven't read Vagabond Secret 1: How to Quickly Leap to Your First Adventure, do that shit now. After buying a plane ticket, you might be buying new swimsuits or reading...

How to Quickly Leap to Your First Adventure

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes BUY YOUR FLIGHT RIGHT AWAY If you haven't read the intro: how to travel without time or money, read that shit first... After Spain I caught the travel bug and couldn’t shake it. On my last day in Barcelona, I was laying in my bed when...

Traveling Without Time or Money

Traveling Without Time or Money

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes How to travel without time or money Have you read Self-Administered Travel Therapy yet? That might be a helpful starting point. Then, come back to this post. It was 2017 and I had just gone through a breakup. I was devastated and to...

Travel Therapy: Self-Administered Counseling

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Is Travel Healthy? When I was fourteen, I was kicked out of high school in the middle of ninth grade and went to rehab in Minnesota for thirty days. While there, I fell in love with a nineteen-year-old heroin-addicted hippie chick...

The Secret to Backpacking Trips

The Secret to Backpacking Trips

The hardest part about backpacking trips are pulling the trigger. I was at a diner in Manhattan with my friend Tyler once. We couldn’t afford anything on the menu. We were in the Turtle Bay section of the city. We ordered something menial to not look like bums....

How to Plan a Road Trip Without Planning Shit

How to Plan a Road Trip Without Planning Shit

How to plan a road trip has nothing to do with where you’re going. In early spring of 2014, I had no idea where to go, but I had to leave LA fast. I couldn’t take it anymore; I needed outta California. I couldn’t relapse, no. That’s not an option. No drink for me. It...

Best Road Trips in the USA

Best Road Trips in the USA

Yeah, so I do have the Guinness World Record for longest road trip in the US, which in itself has given me enough to write a blog about on the best road trips in the USA, but even before I broke the world record road trip, I’d grown up on the road and spent many...

Camping Hacks for 9 to 5ers

Camping Hacks for 9 to 5ers

When I was sixteen I was sent to a wilderness program in Utah where I was told to learn how to survive in the woods with nothing other than a knife. Dig your own latrine, whittle the wood needed for a bow drill set, create an ember with that bow drill set, use the...

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