Vagabonding Stories
by Scrambled Gregs
The Secret to Vagabonding Through Life
I’m not some phony fuck who went on two vacations to Iceland tellin you how to experience the world of backpacking. No. I’m proud to say I was kicked outa my parent’s house when I was fourteen and have been hitchhiking the world ever since.
Actually, now I live in a place I no longer like to leave, so I stopped vagabonding… after all, I’m 37. Fuck do I wanna pick up and leave my lovely life for now?
But before all that, vagabonding was the search for true freedom at all costs. I even broke the Guinness World Record for Longest Journey by Car in a Single Country with my ex-girlfriend. That’s a humble brag right there. But point is, I’ve had some fucked up experiences in many bizarre places with unstable people. I’m proud to report on all of it with you, right here, right now.
How to Meet People in a New City
I’ve moved to many different cities and the first thing I do is head to the cafe. That’s my starting point. There’s no right way for how to meet people in a new city, but you can increase the odds of getting off to a non-lonely start. The cafe as a starting point...
Wtf? What is Vagabonding?
It’s a form of travel that challenges me to pave the path as I trek. No plans, just a goal. When I’m in vagabond travel mode, I’m usually going through some tough shit. So, it’s my way to grow through my challenges, to not doubt myself, and to let anything and...
She Offered Me Mushrooms.
t was New Years Eve. I had been on the Amtrak for approximately 124 hours. I was somewhere in Kansas I think. That’s when I realized there was a party goin on in the observation car. So I got up outta my seat and left the kid that I was sittin next...
Learning a Foreign Language Scrambled Gregs Style
Learning a foreign language is like unlocking your girlfriend’s iPhone. You just gotta go for it. If the numbers work, you cracked the code. If not, she’ll be notified by Apple that you’re an insecure crazy person who needed to know if Craig was just a friend, or if...
Fighting My Demons with Brass Knuckles
It was the middle of the night. I was strung out and wide awake in Brooklyn. My apartment was so big that the orthodox leasing agent nearly didn’t give it to me cause he thought it was too big for one person; that certainly I’d be subletting it out. No. I’m just a...
Therapeutic Boarding School – My Experience as a Troubled Teen
Some people go to the army, others end up in jail, and still others spend their adulthood talking about summer camp. For me, I spent my adulthood and my adolescence doing my best to explain to the world what in the fuck a therapeutic boarding school was, how I ended...
Mortician By Day, Stripper By Night
It was snowing. A lot. I was in Wyoming edging my way into South Dakota. We were heading for Deadwood (yeah that town actually exists… it’s not just on Netflix) to stay at a lil ol house this lil ol lady originally from Long Island had turned into a hostel. I see the...