I kept getting locked up.  But not for too long… wait.  What am I saying?  I spent two years locked up in Georgia.  Anyway- I’ve been to like a million small jails in a billion tiny towns and I’m probably the only drug dealer that NEVER went to jail for dealing drugs BUT DID go to jail for speeding.  Yeah… this is all in my book, but here… Indulge yourself for a moment and live in my life.  I’m willing to bet you can relate somewhere along the lines in these stories.

The Secret to Self-Improvement

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes Self-Improvement For Vagabonds If you haven’t read Vagabond Secret 3: HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME WHILE TRAVELING, do that shit now. It all started one day when I was living in Los Angeles feeling shitty about life and not sure...

Why telling the truth is so hard

The other day I was checking my Facebook ads, making sure nobody had posted some absurd comment telling me why I was a total piece of shit and how “they were expecting so much more” from me, and how my books read “like they were for an adolescent but with such filthy language, not even […]

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Why My Life Got So Bad

When I was three years old or so, my head began shaking uncontrollably. We were on a cruise and my parents took one look at me in my stroller and freaked out. I couldn’t stop shaking. Head swinging back and forth, I knew from that day forward there was something wrong with me. No idea […]

To access this post, you must purchase Scrambled Gregs Membership or One Year of Scrambled Gregs.

Patience is Not A Virtue

Patience is Not A Virtue

Estimated reading time: 7 minutesIf I have an impulse to do something I’ve always wanted to do, I see it through.Sounds ridiculous, does it not? I’m sure you can poke holes in that, but… Well, hear me out. And this is not worldly advice–I have none of that. This is simply what I’ve learned along […]

To access this post, you must purchase Scrambled Gregs Membership or One Year of Scrambled Gregs.

How to make the most of your time While Traveling

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes PLAN YOUR OWN ITINERARY BY KEEPING IT SIMPLE. If you haven't read Vagabond Secret 2: How to Conquer Travel Anxiety, do that shit now. Find one thing you want to do more than anything and make sure it gets done: this is called your...

How to Conquer Travel Anxiety

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes The Secret to Conquering Travel Anxiety is to GET EXCITED If you haven't read Vagabond Secret 1: How to Quickly Leap to Your First Adventure, do that shit now. After buying a plane ticket, you might be buying new swimsuits or reading...

How to Quickly Leap to Your First Adventure

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes BUY YOUR FLIGHT RIGHT AWAY If you haven't read the intro: how to travel without time or money, read that shit first... After Spain I caught the travel bug and couldn’t shake it. On my last day in Barcelona, I was laying in my bed when...

Traveling Without Time or Money

Traveling Without Time or Money

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes How to travel without time or money Have you read Self-Administered Travel Therapy yet? That might be a helpful starting point. Then, come back to this post. It was 2017 and I had just gone through a breakup. I was devastated and to...

Travel Therapy: Self-Administered Counseling

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Is Travel Healthy? When I was fourteen, I was kicked out of high school in the middle of ninth grade and went to rehab in Minnesota for thirty days. While there, I fell in love with a nineteen-year-old heroin-addicted hippie chick...

Almost a Criminal

Almost a Criminal

Part 1 The restaurant was called Balzano’s, and it had just opened. All the employees were new, especially me—at least that’s what it felt like. I told KC how incredible it was, how I miraculously pulled off the pizza-boy to trendiest restaurant in Manhattan switch,...

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