So I just photoshopped my latest parking ticket and rearranged some of the letters and numbers to make it an official unofficial “How Do You Like YOUR Scrambled Gregs” parking ticket and I’m currently at Staples on Sunset and Wilcox after I ordered a hundred pages, three fake parking tickets per page, cutting them into shape on the one shitty cutter they have.
Check it:
But right now I’m on a chair by the computer cause me and some older hippie chick are switching off cuttin shit and now it’s her turn. She’s got these weird pocket sized fluorescent skeletons that she’s cutting, I think they’re business cards.
Anyway, the world is going to shit and Paris is totally fucked up and I think we could all use a brief laugh so I’m here sipping my ice coffee in a glass that I brought from my house by the old ass comp waiting for the old ass hippie to finish up.
So cheers, here’s to 300 official nonofficial unofficial Scrambled Gregs fake parking tickets that’ll be plastered all over 300 cars in Santa Monica tomorrow.
If you’re one of the lucky 300, comment below for your special prize.
Wait, make that 299 fake tickets cause I just gave one to the hippie old chick who’s super cool she’s an astrologer from Switzerland and I couldn’t really understand her but here she is:
Wait I gotta resize that shit and turn it right side up one sec…
Goodmorning! Okay. I’m done. Only thing is I had a better idea than Santa Monica. I went all over the fraternity and sorority streets where all the frat houses and shit are at UCLA. Â Took me three hours but here’s one pic
Anyway that’s what I did today.
Oh yeah… here’s some hate mail starting to trickle in already…