Shoulder surgery time!

Shoulder surgery time!

I was in the pre-op room sweating from every armpit in my body. I had to pee again, but I just peed… but I had to go again. Is that okay? It’s goddam shoulder surgery time, Greg. Keep focused. “Can I pee? Is it too late?” The nurse looked at me...
How I dislocated my shoulder

How I dislocated my shoulder

I dislocated my shoulder cause of Jerry. It happened outside Nassau Community College. I had just moved back home to Long Island from Boulder, Colorado. I was twenty years old. I signed up for acting classes and so that’s why I was at the college. One day, outside the...
The Secret to Backpacking Trips

The Secret to Backpacking Trips

The hardest part about backpacking trips are pulling the trigger. I was at a diner in Manhattan with my friend Tyler once. We couldn’t afford anything on the menu. We were in the Turtle Bay section of the city. We ordered something menial to not look like bums....
How to Plan a Road Trip Without Planning Shit

How to Plan a Road Trip Without Planning Shit

How to plan a road trip has nothing to do with where you’re going. In early spring of 2014, I had no idea where to go, but I had to leave LA fast. I couldn’t take it anymore; I needed outta California. I couldn’t relapse, no. That’s not an option. No drink for me. It...
Best Road Trips in the USA

Best Road Trips in the USA

Yeah, so I do have the Guinness World Record for longest road trip in the US, which in itself has given me enough to write a blog about on the best road trips in the USA, but even before I broke the world record road trip, I’d grown up on the road and spent many...
Camping Hacks for 9 to 5ers

Camping Hacks for 9 to 5ers

When I was sixteen I was sent to a wilderness program in Utah where I was told to learn how to survive in the woods with nothing other than a knife. Dig your own latrine, whittle the wood needed for a bow drill set, create an ember with that bow drill set, use the...
Travel Hacks for Aspiring Nomads

Travel Hacks for Aspiring Nomads

When I was fourteen in my first rehab in Minnesota with nothing other than a piece of paper and my imagination, I began dreaming of freedom. By the time I reached my second rehab in Louisiana when I was fifteen, I had immaculate plans to run away and be liberated once...
What’s a Hostel? Let’s Find Out…

What’s a Hostel? Let’s Find Out…

My First Time Staying in a Hostel I had always wanted to experience a hostel. What’s a hostel really like? Are they grimy? Creepy? Normal? Dirty? Clean? Amazing? I had no idea, but I had to find out. And afterwards, staying in hostels became a way of life for...
How to Stop Smoking Weed

How to Stop Smoking Weed

I stopped smoking weed and drinking and doing coke and all that shit about nine years ago, but that’s cause I was a degenerate drug addicted fuckhole and sought serious help. But it dawned on me that not everyone that is searching for a weed substitute and looking for...
(2016) I Hate My Boss So I Think I’ll Kill Him

(2016) I Hate My Boss So I Think I’ll Kill Him

It was 2016. I was thinkin… I hate my boss. He really is a piece of shit. He was this interior designer agent, a real scumbag. I’ll do one more day then ask for more money so he’ll fire me. No way this dipshit can keep affording to give me raises. I already...

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